How to perform Selective Desaturation or Cutout in PicMonkey?

Do you want to learn to ‌perform Selective Desaturation ⁢or Cutout on PicMonkey? You are in the right place! This ‍technique allows you to highlight specific colors⁢ in an image, while keeping the rest‌ in ⁤black and‍ white. With PicMonkey, an easy-to-use online photo editing tool, achieving this effect is a breeze. Keep reading⁢ to‌ discover step by step how to apply the Selective Desaturation or Cutout ‌ in‌ your⁤ images with​ PicMonkey and give them a professional touch.

– ⁢Step by step ​➡️ How to perform Selective Desaturation or Cutout in PicMonkey?

How to perform Selective Desaturation⁤ or Cutout‌ in ‍PicMonkey?

  • Open the photo you want to edit in PicMonkey.
  • Go to the “Edit” tab at the top of the screen.
  • Click “Effects” in the drop-down menu and select “Selective Desaturation.”
  • Use the brush to ⁢paint over the areas you want to desaturate,‍ that is, remove the color.
  • Adjust the opacity of the ⁤brush⁣ if necessary to achieve the desired effect.
  • If you prefer to selectively cut the image, return to the Editing tab and select Cutout.
  • Use the selection tools to highlight the part of the image you want to keep in color.
  • Adjust the opacity and edges of the cut to perfect the effect.
  • Once you're happy with the result, save the edited image to your computer.
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Q&A: How to perform Selective Desaturation or Cutout in PicMonkey

1. How to access the Selective Desaturation tool in PicMonkey?

  1. Log in to your PicMonkey account.
  2. Select the image‌ to which⁤ you want to apply selective desaturation.
  3. Click‌ “Edit” to open the image in the‌ PicMonkey‌ editor.
  4. Click on “Effects” in the left menu.
  5. Select ⁢»Selective Desaturation».

2. How do I ‍select⁢ the areas I want to desaturate‍ in ‍PicMonkey?

  1. Once you have selected “Selective Desaturation,” click “Add Effect.”
  2. Use the brush tool to paint over the areas you want to desaturate.
  3. To erase desaturated areas, select the “Delete” option in the toolbar.
  4. Adjust the brush size ‌according to your needs.

3. How can I apply the Cutout effect in PicMonkey?

  1. Open your ⁢image in the PicMonkey editor.
  2. Click on “Effects” in the left menu.
  3. Select "Cutout."
  4. Place the markers to adjust the intensity and sharpness of the effect.
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4. How to adjust the tones and colors when applying Selective Desaturation in PicMonkey?

  1. After you have selected the areas to desaturate, you can adjust the “Intensity” and “Hue” in the toolbar.
  2. The‌ «Intensity» affects the prominence of the desaturation, ‌while⁤ the⁤ «Hue» adjusts the range of‌ colors affected.

5. How to save my image once Selective Desaturation or Cutout has been applied in PicMonkey?

  1. Click “Done”⁤ once you are satisfied with the ⁢result.
  2. Click⁢ “Save” ‌in the top right⁢ corner to⁤ save the image to your computer or PicMonkey account.

6. Can I restore the changes made when applying Selective Desaturation or Cutout in PicMonkey?

  1. Yes, you can use the “Undo” option in the toolbar to revert past changes.
  2. You can also click “Undo All” to delete all changes and start over.

7. What is the difference between Selective Desaturation and Cutout in PicMonkey?

  1. Selective Desaturation allows you to desaturate specific areas of an image, while Cutout highlights the edges and contours of the image.
  2. Selective Desaturation is ideal for playing with the color palette, while Cutout can give an artistic and distinctive look to the image.
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8. What types of images work best with Selective Desaturation and Cutout in PicMonkey?

  1. Images with vibrant colors and focused areas are ideal for Selective Desaturation.
  2. Images‌ with⁤ defined outlines and ⁤highlighted ⁢elements are perfect for applying the Cutout⁢ effect.

9. How can I experiment with different effect combinations in PicMonkey?

  1. After applying Selective Desaturation or Cutout, you can try other effects in the Effects section to get unique results.
  2. Combine multiple effects to achieve a personalized and creative image.

10. Are there tutorials or additional guides to learn how to use Selective Desaturation and Cutout in PicMonkey?

  1. PicMonkey offers tutorials and help articles on its official website to learn how to use all the tools and effects available on its platform.
  2. You can also search for tutorial videos on platforms like YouTube to get tips and tricks from other users.

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