How to fix a misconfigured keyboard in Windows

A misconfigured keyboard in Windows can cause a lot of confusion and frustration. Pressing a key and having something else appear on the screen is a clear indication that something is wrong. If this has happened to you, in this post you will learn How to fix this problem and get your keyboard back to normal.

Typically a keyboard gets misconfigured due to Unexpected changes in input languageIt often happens that we change the input language by mistake, perhaps while testing the keyboard shortcuts. Other times, hardware failures cause some or all of the keys to stop working. In any case, you can try the solutions we offer below.

How to fix a misconfigured keyboard in Windows

Repair misconfigured keyboard in Windows

When you have the keyboard misconfigured in Windows it is impossible to write normally. And this is a serious problem for those of us who work or study in front of the computer. Therefore, we are going to see one by one the Solutions you can apply to fix a misconfigured keyboard in Windows.

Switch between languages ​​with the keys Alt + Shift

The first thing you can do is try switching between languages ​​by pressing the Alt+Shift command. This is a default command in Windows that allows you to allows you to switch between the different languages ​​configured on the computer. Typically, these two languages ​​are English and your native language (Spanish in our case).

Notably A Spanish language keyboard has important differences with one configured in English.. To begin with, the latter does not have keys for the letter Ñ or for adding accents and other punctuation marks used in Spanish. In addition, although the letters on the keyboard occupy the same position for both languages, the same does not happen with most of the signs.

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Consequently, if you changed the input language by mistake, perhaps by trying some keyboard shortcut, you will notice that some keys do not match what they show on the screen. Then, you can Press the Alt+Shift command to switch back to language and test if the keyboard is back to normal.

Choose the language from the taskbar

Choose language in Windows taskbar

Another easy way to fix a misconfigured keyboard in Windows is to choose language from taskbarIf you haven't noticed, this option is located on the right side of the bar, right next to the volume icon. If you tap on it, a small menu opens showing the languages ​​you have set, with a check mark next to the one you are currently using.

In this menu you can Select the input language that the keyboard will useYou will also see the 'Language Preferences' option, which allows you to, among other things, add new input languages. This is a very simple way to fix a misconfigured keyboard in Windows.

Go to language settings

Windows time and language

A third alternative to repair a misconfigured keyboard in Windows is to go directly to language settings. This can be useful if the above solutions have not worked or if the keyboard has other configuration issues. To reach this section of the system follow these steps:

  1. Click on Home and then Configuration.
  2. In the next menu, select the option Time and languages.
  3. Now, in the list on the left, click on Language.
  4. On the right side of the screen, you will see a list of the languages ​​configured in the system.
  5. The first language in the list is the one you are using. You can change their position within the list.
  6. If you need to add a new language, tap Add Language to install a new one. Language pack for Windows.
  7. Remember to put the language you want to set as default first.
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Something else that could affect the keyboard behavior is the layout you have assigned. As a general rule, The default layout for computers is QWERTY, which is the order in which these letters appear on the keyboard. If, for some reason, this arrangement is changed, the keyboard will not respond normally.

Therefore, Make sure you are using the QWERTY layout on your keyboardTo do this, locate your language in the list, click on the three dots on the right and choose Language options. At the end of the next window you will be able to see if the distribution is selected. If not, click on the add option to download the file and install it on the system.

Misconfigured keyboard in Windows due to hardware failure

mechanical keyboard

Sometimes a misconfigured keyboard in Windows is the result of hardware failures, such as dirt build-up or Bluetooth connectivity errors. In such cases, you need to apply a couple of simple measures and check if the keyboard is working again. If not, you may need to replace it with a new one.

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Clean the misconfigured keyboard in Windows


Cleaning your keyboard frequently is a good practice in any scenario, whether it is misconfigured or not. But in case your keyboard is experiencing faults, such as keys that do not work, cleaning it can be the solution. And this procedure will be more effective If the keyboard is designed to have the keys removed and cleaned thoroughly.

To clean the keyboard, you can use a slightly damp microfiber cloth to remove surface dust. Afterwards, Use a hair dryer to blow it hard and remove all the dust, hair and crumbs accumulated between the keys.

You can tilt your laptop or mechanical keyboard to better remove all the accumulated dirt. Stuck dust and grease stains can be removed using swabs lightly moistened with isopropyl alcohol.

Check if there is a problem with Bluetooth

If you have a wireless keyboard, it is advisable to verify that the Bluetooth connection is working correctly. In Windows, you can do this from Settings by clicking on Devices. Then, choose the Bluetooth and other devices option and select the unconfigured keyboard. Now click on Remove device and reconfigure it from scratch by clicking on the Add Bluetooth or other device option.

As a final word, we can say that it is rare to have a misconfigured keyboard in Windows. These peripherals They are some of the ones that present the least problems and last the longest with us.But if yours isn't working as usual, apply the suggestions above and everything will be back to normal.

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