What is Tensorflow? A creation of Google

What is TensorFlow? You have arrived at Tecnobits to know it, And as always, we are going to solve it for you in this article. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is the order of the day, and not only that, since it advances by leaps and bounds every day. Imagine for a moment that Tensorflow is like a magic wand, which allows you to teach how to make applications, show images, video and that with all of them, you are able to change an industry. That's where Tensorflow is headed. 

What Tensorflow is is something complex to explain, but in a summarized and very simple way we can tell you that Tensorflow is a open source library for Machine Learning (ML). In addition, and as a preview, we can tell you that it was created and designed by Google. But it doesn't stop there, since that initial design was thought out and conceived to work from artificial neural networks.

How Tensorflow started



As we were saying, TensorFlow It was launched by Google and that happened already in 2015It all goes back even further, as it started out as an internal project called “DistBelief.” That project itself was born to be a learning system that was developed to manage the huge amounts of data that Google has to process in its products, such as Google Photos and Google Translate.

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Once they realized that the AI ​​theme, so to speak, It was trending, Google wanted to launch it to the world. Therefore, what is Tensorflow or what is Tensorflow used for is not easy to answer. These are technical terms that we are trying to explain to you in an understandable way. Not everyone knows what an AI based on a neural network is.

It must be said that Tensorflow was not only designed for science and research and the professions in those branches; today it is something more open to the world.

What is Tensorflow?



As we were saying, what Tensorflow is is solved in a very simple way: it is a library of open source designed for Machine Learning (ML). But let's go into a little more detail about the main features. Because so far we know that Tensorflow aims to facilitate the creation of artificial intelligence systems, but it doesn't stop there. Some of its main features are:

  • Processing with Tensors: Tensors for Tensorflow are tensors, that is, multidimensional data structures (similar to matrices) which will allow you to handle very large volumes of data.
  • Computational Graphs: Computational graphs are nothing more than mathematical operations, and that is what Tensorflow achieves. Nodes represent operations and edges represent data that flows between them. Once again, you will have logical and efficient mathematical calculations.
  •  Multi-device: All models produced by Tensorflow can run on GPUs, TPUs, and CPUs. This allows for greater scalability across platforms, from mobile devices to data centers.
  • Training and Inference: Training models or inferences on already trained models
  • Modular library: Thanks to the use of certain components you can make it very flexible for different applications.
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Benefits of using TensorFlow

What is TensorFlow

We already know what TensorFlow is, now we are going to try to give you a little more insight into the benefits of using TensorFlow. We know that until now it has been somewhat complex, but we are going to try to give you different benefits so that you start thinking about using this AI:

  • TensorFlow is open source: Like all open source software, it benefits greatly from its community. Almost any open source software has a community of users behind it that improves it day by day. This is also what happens with TensorFlow.
  • TensorFlow Documentation and Support: This AI has a lot of online documentation so you can learn more about it. Also, as we said, it has a large community behind it, so you can ask questions and learn from it.
  • Multi-device compatibility: As we mentioned earlier, TensorFlow can run on TPUs, CPUs, and GPUs. Therefore, it will have more compatibility and possibilities. This will allow for even greater acceleration in the processing of neural networks.
  • TensorFlow Lite: : As everyone will have a smartphone in their pocket, well, TensorFlow has an app designed specifically for phones. It is much lighter but will allow you to run AI models on, as we said, mobile phones. However, make sure you have a current mobile phone since not everyone is able to use it no matter how light it is.
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By now it should be clear to you what it is. Tensorflow, but just in case, we have left you a link to its official website so you can start using the AI ​​tool designed by Google. Also, if you are an AI enthusiast, in Tecnobits We have a multitude of articles on this, such as on Microsoft AI, «Learn how to use Copilot: produce more, save time«

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