UTP Cable: What it is, types and uses in Communication Networks

UTP cable

El UTP cable It is a widely used resource within the world of telecommunications. It is a variety of twisted pair cable (hence its name: UTP, acronym in English for Unshielded Twisted Pair) present in many types of installations.

This specific type of cable stands out for the large amount of information that can be transmittedas well as by speed and precision with which this transfer is executed.

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Report commercial calls: The fight against telephone spam

Woman with telephone

If you're tired of receiving spam calls, you'll be happy to know that you can now report commercial calls and prevent this from continuing to happen. It must be clarified that not all commercial calls are prohibited or illegal. But, when they are done without your consent, things change. Let's see how you can fight this.

Fortunately, the General Telecommunications Law in Spain has regulated commercial calls. In fact, since June 2023, this Law prohibits practically all calls made without consent. This is for the purpose of protecting the rights and privacy of users. If the consumer has not requested a particular service, the call cannot be placed (in theory).

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